ISAKOS 2025 Congress Exhibits and Sponsorships
The ISAKOS Congress is the hallmark of our Society and provides an international forum for the world leaders in orthopaedics. The 2025 ISAKOS Congress will attract international orthopaedic surgeons, as well as allied health personnel, residents and fellows. ISAKOS invites you to take part in this opportunity to showcase your products and services to Congress attendees and broaden your exposure to surgeons from across the globe.
Please contact the ISAKOS Congress team: To ask for more information. To get a customized offer. To receive a booking form
Our dedicated team will be happy to assist and help you choose a partnership package
that will maximize your presence and visibility at ISAKOS 2025. Please contact:
Victoria Eskenazi –Senior Industry Liaison & Sales Associate
Tel: +41 22 908 0488 Ext. 986
Email: veskenazi@kenes.com
Email: exhibits@isakos.com
Beverlee Galstan – Director of Research and Development
Tel: +1 925 807 1197
Email: bgalstan@isakos.com